Definition: A log weight calculator estimates the weight of logs based on their dimensions and wood type, either for a specific quantity or a stack.
Purpose: This tool aids in logistics, equipment planning, and construction by calculating the green weight of logs.
The calculator uses these formulas:
Explanation: It calculates a single log’s volume as a frustum of a cone using smallest (Ds) and largest (D1) diameters, multiplies by green density, and then computes total weight based on quantity or stack size. Units are converted to meters.
Details: Green densities vary by species, e.g., Alder, Red (736 kg/m³), Ash, White (769 kg/m³), Oak, Live (1217 kg/m³), Pine, White (577 kg/m³), and more. See the dropdown for a full list of 58 common species.
Tips: Measure length and both diameters accurately, choose quantity or stack mode, select the wood type, and use the total weight to plan transport and equipment needs.